It’s that time of year again! Where little hands run along the walls, germs are shared, and sniffles come home in waves. Perking up that immune system is never bad, as prevention is always the best “medicine”.
Nature’s gifts are continually being discovered for their uses. After all, a weed is merely a plant that we haven’t discovered the use of yet. Here at The Farm, we have a deep love for our herbs and essential oils. Here are a few of our favorites for giving that needed immune boost.
Tea Tree:

This wonderful oil is one of our favorite additives to immune-boosting products. It is said that the potent anti-microbial properties of tea tree oil help to thwart infections and act as a protective shield by strengthening the body's immune system. Studies have shown that it even kills several common bacteria and viruses responsible for causing illness.

There are over 400 different species of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus globulus, also known as Blue Gum, is the main source of eucalyptus oil used globally. The leaves also contain flavonoids and tannins. Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants, and tannins may help to reduce inflammation. Eucalyptus features a range of preparations to relieve symptoms of the common cold.

It is said that Ravintsara is one of the strongest antiviral oils. Made from tall camphor evergreen trees in Madagascar, Ravintsara is a powerful, all-natural essential oil. It gets its name from the Malagasy’s Ravina “the leaf” and tsara “good”, which literally means “tree with good leaves,” or “leaf good for everything”. How lovely! Ravintsara is also known to act like an antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and it helps drain the lymphatic system.
Now that you understand a few of our key ingredients added to our proprietary blends, we would love to feature some of our top sellers for Immune boosting.
IMMUNE/prevention Product Features:
and of course.... SOAP SOAP SOAP!
At The Healing Place Farm, we only use the purest of ingredients. If we say it contains Lavandula Angustifolia, then pure Lavender is what we have added. Pure ingredients without cutting corners are always our standard for you and your home.
From the Farm to your doorstep, Live well and be well.
~The Healing Place Farm~
DISCLAIMER: The information offered here is not meant to take the place of any health professionals’ advice. These products are not intended to treat or cure any disease. We make no claims. Please follow the directions on the label of any given product you choose to purchase. Not all products are formulated for children.
If you are unsure, please reach out to ask. We are always happy to assist you.