If you listen to a “Live Sale” or talk with us in the Shop, you may hear us refer to “Patch Testing”. What is patch testing and why is it necessary to consider when utilizing essential oils or any skin care product? The application of essential oils in our blog post refers only to diluted oils. We do not advise placing any undiluted essential oil on your skin.
Essential oil products are generally applied to the skin using a roller, massage, cream, lotion, soap or other skin care product. While diluted essential oils are generally safe for your skin, there is always the risk of irritation or sensitivity. This risk varies according to each individual.
If you have had a history of allergy, please make sure to patch test before trying something new or unfamiliar. Patch testing is a smart move for everyone.
Skin irritation can present as an allergic reaction, rash, redness, or pain shortly after applying the essential oil product. You may also experience blistering. Although these reactions are unlikely, it is wise to patch test.
How to Patch Test:
Utilize only diluted oils. Apply a small amount on the inside of your forearm and cover with a sterile gauze for 24 hours (remove if you experience rash, burning, pain, irritation, blistering or redness). Then check for the above-named symptoms. If your skin appears the same color without any irritation, you have passed the patch test, and you should be all set to begin using selected essential oils.
If you did experience redness, rash, pain, burning, irritation, blistering or your skin is not the same color as before the patch test, it would be wise to discontinue use of that essential oil. In addition, you may want to seek guidance from your Primary Medical Provider. Safety first.